ICR Clinical Trials & Statistics Unit (ICR-CTSU)

ICR-CTSU is a research-led, academic clinical trials unit (CTU) within the Division of Clinical Studies at the ICR. Our expertise spans the whole clinical trial life cycle. We receive core funding from Cancer Research UK, are a UK Clinical Research Collaborative (UKCRC) registered CTU and one of 15 CTUs recognised by the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) for professional specialism in the development and delivery of cancer trials. ICR-CTSU is committed to the responsible sharing of clinical trial data and trial samples with the wider research community in order to improve scientific and medical knowledge about cancer. To enable data and samples to be effectively shared with others, an access policy and defined procedure exist to ensure that relevant legal, ethical and commercial constraints are recognised and that data and samples are made available for new research purposes in a responsible manner. Please consult the data sharing page for further information.

SOP status
Agreed standards in place, no assessment of accreditation

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