Fit and well (finding)

D0011 Swine Flu (Influenza A H1N1) Follow on Vaccine Study

Year Started: 2010

A multi-centre, open-label, clinical, phase 4 trial, following on from a head-to-head comparison study of two H1N1 influenza vaccines in children, to compare firstly, the persistence of antibody against the A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) virus and secondly the immunogenicity and reactogenicity of one dose of a non-adjuvanted trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine, in children who had received a two-dose immunisation regimen of Celvapan or Pandemrix.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Young child (2 - 6 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%