Fit and well (finding)

D0001 Swine Flu (Novel Influenza A H1N1) Vaccine Study

Year Started: 2009

Two new vaccines (Baxter swine flu & GSK swine flu vaccine) have been made against swine flu in response to the pandemic. These vaccines have been tested in adults, but there is less information on how well they work in children. This study will assess these two new vaccines in children aged between six months and twelve years

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

11 - 100 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
DNA -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 11 - 25%
Whole blood -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

11 - 100 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
DNA -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%
Whole blood -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%

Tonsillitis (disorder)

D0004 Deposit of tonsils, adenoids and additional samples

Year Started: 2009

Children going for adenotonsillectomy, tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy will be approached to donate samples. Additional samples to be collected at this time may include saliva samples, urine samples, a blood sample and a nasal swab

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Tissue specimen Surgical procedure (procedure) -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Tissue specimen Surgical procedure (procedure) -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%

Fit and well (finding)

D0008 Multi-centre Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Baxter H1N1 vaccine and GlaxoSmithKline H1N1 vaccine in children 6 months to 12 years of age

Year Started: 2009

D0008 Multi-centre Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Baxter H1N1 vaccine and GlaxoSmithKline H1N1 vaccine in children 6 months to 12 years of age

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%

Fit and well (finding)

D0009 Study to evaluate the induction of immune memory following infant vaccination with a glycol-conjugate Neisseria Meningitidis serogroup C Vaccine

Year Started: 2011

Please note, this collection consists of blood clots but it is listed as plasma. Study to evaluate the induction of immune memory following infant vaccination with a glycol-conjugate Neisseria Meningitidis serogroup C Vaccine and to assess the immune response to the concurrent infant routine immunisations administered in consistent versus alternating limbs.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Serum -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%

Fit and well (finding)

D0023 Study to demonstrate the efficacy of GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals’ quadrivalent seasonal influenza candidate vaccine GSK2321138A (FLU D-QIV), administered intramuscularly in children 9 to 35 months of age

Year Started: 2011

Please note, this collection consists of blood clots but it is listed as plasma. Study to demonstrate the efficacy of GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals’ quadrivalent seasonal influenza candidate vaccine GSK2321138A (FLU D-QIV), administered intramuscularly in children 9 to 35 months of age.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Plasma -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%

Fit and well (finding)

D0026 Study to evaluate V419 (PR5I) given at 2, 3 & 4 months with two types of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccines given at 3 & 4 months, followed by a combined Haemophilus influenza type b-MCC vaccine at 12 months

Year Started: 2012

Please note, this collection consists of blood clots but it is listed as plasma. A phase III open-label randomised study, to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of the concomitant administration of V419 (PR5I) given at 2, 3 and 4 months of age with two types of meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccines given at 3 an 4 months of age, and followed by the administration at 12 months of age of a combined Haemophilus influenza type b-MCC vaccine.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

11 - 100 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Plasma -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 51 - 75%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

11 - 100 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Plasma -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 26 - 50%

Fit and well (finding)

D0032 The Bristol Nasal Colonisation Surveillance Study

Year Started: 2011

The effects of viral upper respiratory tract infections on bacterial colonisation of the nasopharynx in young healthy children attending day care centres. A single centre prospective longitudinal follow up study.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

11 - 100 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Swab -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

11 - 100 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Swab -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%


Infant (1 month - 2 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
RNA -60°C to -85°C N/A Not applicable 0 - 10%