Multiple myeloma (disorder)

Cardamon Trial - 2mL EDTA Bone Marrow Aspirate (MRD Analysis)

Year Started: 2015

2mL bone marrow aspirate in EDTA tube is to be analysed for minimal residual disease (MRD) by multiparameter flow cytometry. Samples are also being stored with a view to subsequent analysis (e.g. next generation sequencing). This is optional. Collected at baseline, post peripheral blood stem cell harvest, post-100 days ACST/post-consolidation (as applicable) and post 6 months start of maintenance.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
In progress
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Young adult (18 - 40 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
There are no material preservation details for this sample set

Multiple myeloma (disorder)

Cardamon Trial - 4-6mL EDTA Bone Marrow Aspirate (Genomic Pathways Analysis)

Year Started: 2015

4-6mL bone marrow aspirate in EDTA tub; tumour cells to be obtained and analysed for activation of cell signalling pathways via molecular assays (e.g. RNA and DNA based) and cellular assays (e.g. Western blotting, flow cytometry). Collected at baseline, post-100 days ACST/post-consolidation (as applicable) and at relapse.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
In progress
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Young adult (18 - 40 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
There are no material preservation details for this sample set

Multiple myeloma (disorder)

Cardamon Trial - 8mL EDTA Peripheral Blood Sample (Genomic Pathway Analysis)

Year Started: 2015

8mL peripheral blood sample collected in EDTA tube to serve as a normal comparator for tumour cells from the bone marrow aspirate in each corresponding patient. Collected at baseline, post-100 days ACST/post-consolidation (as applicable) and at relapse.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
In progress
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Young adult (18 - 40 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
There are no material preservation details for this sample set

Multiple myeloma (disorder)

Cardamon Trial - Bone Marrow Trephine (Immunohistochemistry)

Year Started: 2015

Paraffin-embedded tumour block OR 15 unstained slides to be sent for immun-histochemical staning for plasma cell antigens of interest including CD20, CD56, CD28, BCMA, cyclin D1 and cyclin D2.

Access restricted at present
Clinical Trial
In progress
Consent restrictions:
No restrictions

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
There is no associated data for this collection.


Young adult (18 - 40 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
There are no material preservation details for this sample set