Fit and well (finding)

An RNAseq study of SARS-CoV2 viral entry routes, disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets in the eye

Year Started: 2020

SARS-CoV2 is the virus which causes COVID-19, the form of coronavirus which is now a global pandemic. The gene ACE2 is involved when SARS-CoV2 infection occurs and the eye is an important possible place of entry for the virus to get into the body. It is thought that the virus enters the eye through ACE2, but this remains unclear. We will look at gene expression in eye tissue to identify whether ACE2 is important in the eye and generate a picture of biomarkers of the eye which may predict disease severity. This will help in understanding the first steps in the mechanism of infection and potential targets for therapies. We will be using excess surgical tissue from the eyes of non COVID-19 patients undergoing surgery for other reasons.

Access restricted at present
In progress
Consent restrictions:
Commercial restriction, Xenograft restriction

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
Biomarker datasets > 6 months
Clinical records > 6 months
Genomic datasets > 6 months
Physiological/biochemical measurements > 6 months
Quality indicators > 6 months
Donor Ethnicity > 6 months


Adult (> 40 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Tissue specimen -60°C to -85°C Not applicable 100%
RNA -60°C to -85°C Not applicable 100%

Malignant lymphoma (disorder)

PROSECO - A UK multicentre prospective observational study evaluating COVID-19 vaccine immune responses in lymphoid cancer

Year Started: 2021

Population-wide prophylactic vaccination is the principal means of quelling the COVID-19 pandemic. For this to succeed, knowledge of vaccine efficacy is imperative. Patients with lymphoid malignancies have an increased mortality risk from COVID-19. Many patients are apparently cured but have long-term immune defects. Our lack of knowledge of COVID-19 vaccination responses confers a morbidity and mortality risk in this population and significant societal impact. This study will assess COVID-19 vaccine efficacy defined by immunological responses (anti-spike IgG, virus neutralisation, T-cell recall).

Access restricted at present
Disease specific
In progress
Consent restrictions:
Commercial restriction, Xenograft restriction

Associated Data Type Procurement Timeframe
Biomarker datasets > 6 months
Clinical records > 6 months
Followup records > 6 months
Freezer temperature logs > 6 months
Genomic datasets > 6 months
Pathology records > 6 months
Physiological/biochemical measurements > 6 months
Quality indicators > 6 months
Treatment records > 6 months
Donor Ethnicity > 6 months


Adult (> 40 years)

1 - 10 donors

Material Type Extraction Procedure Storage Temperature Preservation Type Macroscopic Assessment % of Sample Set
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) Liquid nitrogen vapor phase Not applicable 100%
Plasma -60°C to -85°C Not applicable 100%